I'm listening to Breaking Benjamin right now, waiting for 6 pm to roll around so I can go home. Evil Angel is my favorite song... Oops, phone is ringing. Brb. Oh, never mind, Peter got it. Anyways. I had nothing going on so I jumped on the comp. I love how Breaking Benjamin has all these hardcore, yet sensitive songs. I loves it.
Since my mom and sister are gone, guess who all the housecleaning chores fall upon? You guessed it; yours truely. Needless to say, there's a fur coat on the floor, dishes piled in sink and on counter, and my shoes everywhere. I guess that's what's going to be my big project this weekend. My bedroom could do with a good shoveling out too... The dogs are no help. Any time the black lab (we call her "Horsey") walks through the house, there's a trail of hair behind her, not to mention the dandruff the pug leaves behind. Not cool. >.<
I miss my mommy... I hope she comes home soon... cause my dinners really don't taste good. And my dad agrees with me, I'm sure. =P Maybe tonight I'll just tell them to order takeout. I don't wanna cook and put more dishes in the sink... I think that's what I'll do tonight. Kitchen duty. Yay me.
Highlight of this month: I got a raise. *w00ts around room*
Lowlight of this month: I got a promotion. *un-w00ts around room*
Odds and ends.
Written by
5:36 PM
50th Post
.... and I have NOTHING new to talk about since last month. Nothing's really happened...
My mom and two youngest sibs are in PA for two weeks. Which is cool. I have my bedroom to myself. Which is also cool. There's a new guy at work. Not so cool. haha jk.
I still like my short haircut. Nobody recognizes me though... it's almost sad. But I'll get over it, I'm sure.
Huh... I'm struggling for SOMETHING to speak about... I was a techie at the local ballet performance for a whole week. That was fun, but mostly because I got to hang out with the musicians the whole time. Just two guys and me in the pit for hours on end, sleeping, laughing, getting yelled at... Bliss, I tell you.
Yes... I live under a rock and I don't get out much...
My house (the destroyed one I spoke about a while back) is STILL not fixed. Nothing has been done besides measuring the windows for new ones. And, on top of that, my dad decides to throw us 4 kids out of the big, spacious bathroom (second nicest out of our three bathrooms) so he can rip it apart. In the third bathroom, where all of our stuff is now crammed into, the shower works on it's own, the toilet takes vacations, and the sink clogs (not to mention you can't hardly turn around in it without falling onto the toilet or into the shower). Shouldn't this be the bathroom to remodel? Of course not. We're going to pick the bathroom that works JUST FINE and redo that one first. *shakes head*
My dog is still lost, and I am ready to take all my posters down. He's not coming back... oh well. I hope he's comfy, wherever he is. Comfort was his favorite thing in the world, besides food. I hope he's got both.
Time to go to work. Again. Anyways, thanks for reading this, even if it did bore you to death. Go read TC's blog for more enjoyment.
Written by
7:07 PM