Just thought you all should know that. x)
"Door" spelled backwards is "Rood."
Written by
8:57 PM
Happy Days
Yeah, check out the new blog. yayness.
So as I said in the last entry, I went to the ballet with a friend. It was a blast! We saw Coppelia. Excellent ballet. We went to an Italian restaurant before, and the waiter had a special meal made just for me. xD It was so nice.
We got some pictures, but i'm to lazy to post them right now... i'll have a picture entry up in a few days. :)
So I'm still trying to figure out this Blogger, but I will hopefully have a brand spanking new template up soon. I like to do a lot of behind-the-scenes work, and don't often update things, which is a habit I'm trying to break...
If you want to read older posts about me, go here: www.homeschoolblogger.com/southernbelle because this is basically that blog, Part II. I'm tired of HSB and some of the snooty people on it, plus not being able to log in 75% of the time. Harumph. lol.
So yeah... I'm leaving now. ta.
Written by
11:20 AM
I'm engaged to a 4 year old....
... and recieved flowers from his sweet big brother. :) *happiness* The same big brother is escorting me (and my mom) to a ballet next Friday. *squeals*
Ode to iPod
IPod, oh iPod,
How I miss thee so, oh iPod.
Thou hast filled my days with joy,
And on rainy days, thou comforted me.
Thou woke me in the morn,
And put me to rest at night.
But tis no longer, my iPod.
Thy innards were torn
From thy thin, white frame,
And thy beautiful face became still.
My heart was filled with anguish
As thy soul was laid to rest.
My tears cascaded on thy marred surface;
No longer shall my heart leap to thy tune,
No more hours together, laughing and crying,
Dancing and singing to thy sweet melodies.
Over and over, my stereo cries for thee.
Thy name flashes ever on
On it’s blue screen,
As well as in my heart.
My memories of thee I’ll cherish forever.
And so, this is my final farewell;
I love thee so, my iPod.
Written by
1:31 PM