
Odds and ends.

I'm listening to Breaking Benjamin right now, waiting for 6 pm to roll around so I can go home. Evil Angel is my favorite song... Oops, phone is ringing. Brb. Oh, never mind, Peter got it. Anyways. I had nothing going on so I jumped on the comp. I love how Breaking Benjamin has all these hardcore, yet sensitive songs. I loves it.

Since my mom and sister are gone, guess who all the housecleaning chores fall upon? You guessed it; yours truely. Needless to say, there's a fur coat on the floor, dishes piled in sink and on counter, and my shoes everywhere. I guess that's what's going to be my big project this weekend. My bedroom could do with a good shoveling out too... The dogs are no help. Any time the black lab (we call her "Horsey") walks through the house, there's a trail of hair behind her, not to mention the dandruff the pug leaves behind. Not cool. >.<

I miss my mommy... I hope she comes home soon... cause my dinners really don't taste good. And my dad agrees with me, I'm sure. =P Maybe tonight I'll just tell them to order takeout. I don't wanna cook and put more dishes in the sink... I think that's what I'll do tonight. Kitchen duty. Yay me.

Highlight of this month: I got a raise. *w00ts around room*
Lowlight of this month: I got a promotion. *un-w00ts around room*


Antelope said...


Your cooking is great! I, for one, know that. Are you telling me that your dad and brother don't agree?! =O I'm serious.

I miss you. We really need to get together. If your dad feels like socializing, convince him to bring you out here.

Try to take it easy this weekend. I'll be praying for you.

Love you,

Anonymous said...

Ha. Now you know how I feel when you kids start nagging me at noon, "What's for dinner?" "What are you making for dinner?" "When are we having dinner?" blah blah blah ... CEREAL!! Cereal for dinner every night!! Or soup! Gosh! If God wanted me to cook, He wouldn't have created the preservatives necessary to make processed, store-bought foods!

Mostly Sunny said...

Welcome to my life. The only way around it all is to never get married, never have kids, never have company, don't get a pet, and eat out for every meal. And live a very lonely, boring life. I'm sorry you're missing your mama, but I LOVE having her here and it makes me wish you all lived closer so I could climb in her bed and wake her up early EVERY day (I actually did this one day and lived to tell about it).

Anonymous said...

Emma! *HUGS* I haven't hear from you in a while. I miss talking to you!

What's up, you hard workin' lady? ;)

Anonymous said...

heard* lol