
Only in Texas

Only in Texas can you...

1. Dress up to go to Wal Mart
2. Eat roadkill for dinner
3. See a dead hog on the road and have to tell the whole neighborhood
4. Shoot guns in your backyard
5. Get chased by turkeys and live to tell the tale
6. Tell blonde jokes and have nobody get offended
7. Give the directions to your house: "Just turn by the GIANT WATERMELON. Yeh can't miss it!"
8. Know both the richest and poorest people in town
9. Travel 1 hour in any direction just to get to decent civilization
10. Insult and demonstrate a rude gesture to a Democrat and not get in trouble.


Anonymous said...

I would add:

Only in Texas can you
~drive into a sofa on a highway
~shop for a new vehicle that gets better gas mileage, and come home with a 3/4 ton pickup
~put a cow in the back seat of your SUV

Antelope said...

That cracked me up. It's weird, but I have had many of those same experiences. =O lol


Travis Erwin said...

Everbody clap at once ... Deep inthe heart of Texas

Anonymous said...

Hmm, I insult democrats left and right.
But then, I get in trouble sometimes....

Anonymous said...

All of those would apply to Tennessee to, except for the drive for an hour in any direction... you might have to drive for more than an hour in TN.

Storm Trooper 731 said...

I agree! Only in the south can you tell any kind of jokes and offend no one!