
Getting Dizzy

This is it. The End - for now.

I'm gonna take a break. It probably won't be long, but right now I feel a little vulnerable and a bit like a target. It has been revealed that some people read my blog that I don't really want here... So now we can all take a break, chill out, and maybe in a month or so I'll try again with a level head. I have very negative feelings right now, and when I express them, something always goes wrong. So I'm going to be quiet, and lurk in the shadows.

I'm not leaving the planet, no matter how much we all wish I did, so if you've got my cell number, feel free to call, or shoot me an email (Jess Roo, this means you. ;])

Anyways... Look for me at the end of April. Until then... Burn out bright.


P.S. pray for me...


Antelope said...


I am praying for you! I'll miss reading your entries. =(


Chris said...


yeah that's be great if ya wanna take a day at RC! email me ur e-mail and i'll get u set up.

Chris said...

chris@libertytars.org :)