
The Golden-Haired, Chicken-Killing, Iron-Rawkfist Maiden

I can kill 'em, I can slice 'em, and I can sure as heck cook 'em. Last night we had chicken that I marinated for two days. Oooooh it was soooo good.

I went to Jess's house yesterday after ballet class, and I held a snake for the first time. O.O It was amazing... She (the snake) and I bonded rather quickly... and I couldn't put her down for a whole half-hour. Of course, that was partially because she was wrapped around my wrists like handcuffs, but it was also partially because I was having too much fun. xD It made me realize something very very humerous... I happen to make friends with all the animals my sister is deathly afraid of.

Like rabbits, for example. After watching Monte Python and the Holy Grail, Audrey was absolutely terrified of rabbits. She thought that if she set foot anywhere near one, it would tear apart her jugular. So, we went to a woodworking friend of mine's house, and met their house rabbit named Roscoe. He didn't look at Audrey more than once, but he spent the whole evening at my side, licking my fingers and letting me scratch his nose. The week after, he spent the entire time in my arms, licking my elbow. It was adorable, and it's the perfect weapon against Audrey. xD

It kinda goes well with my "scary" image... With one look I can silence her. Now I have the "scary" animals on my side; rabbits, snakes, and spiders. I'm undefeatable.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Scared of rabbits?! Now that's pretty funny. But I have to say that I would have to have a very big incentive in order to pick up a snake. Yuck! My little sisters have touched and held snakes several times, but I hope to never do so. :-)
Hope you're having a great week!