
To You

I'm sorry.

I'm sorry you dislike me.
I'm sorry you're angry with me.
I'm sorry so much pain and hurt has gone between us.
I'm sorry neither of us can see past that and grow up.
I'm sorry we can't be mature enough to be friends.
I'm sorry this is effecting other things in our lives.
I'm sorry for 2 months of very negative, hateful feelings.
I'm sorry this is all my fault.
I'm sorry for opening my mouth and hurting you yet again.
I'm sorry for talking where I shouldn't.
I'm sorry for everything.

I'm sorry.



Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for what I said.
I'm sorry for what I did.
I'm sorry for being me.

I'm sorry.

Anonymous said...

I'm sorry for not understanding.
I'm sorry for the resentment.
I'm sorry for the pain I caused you. I'm sorry for the things I said. I wish I could take it all back. I'm sorry we can't see eye to eye about things. I'm sorry for lashing out.
Thank you for the times we shared together, the memories, the prayer,
for being there for me, for listening.
I loved to watch you dance.
Don't ever give that up.
Dance on!

Someone who loved you