
I'm siiiiiick, so pity meeeeee.

Yeah, I'm sick again. When I sniff, I sound like my pug snorting. Not very nice, now is it, precious?

Ballet class last night went well. I had some very nice turns, which made me happy, but my jumps lacked strength. I think it's cause I was under the weather.

Speaking of weather, it's a sunny and cool day here in TX, at a lovely 74 degrees. I'm going to go for a walk today in the back pastures and try to breath in some fresh air before dance.

I have my phone back, I have my phone back, I have my phone back, nanny nanny boo boo. *dances*

Random Picture Of the Day:
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(note: this was me right before my celebration dance when the Colts won the SuperBowl this year.)


Anonymous said...

Ahhh, poor Emma's siiick. Dx

Aww, thankies, you rock, too.


Rita T. said...

Yay Colts!

Anonymous said...

Sorry. you're sick. I hope you feel better soon.

Nice ear. :P

Anonymous said...

YAY!!! Hehe, we were cheering for the Colts too. It was an awesome game. (my sister is in love with Peyton Manning.) :-P Lol!!!

Haven't talked to you in awhile. I've missed you. *hugs*

Love, Sarah